

The master's program offer seven graduate majors, including electronics, control, power engineering, EM waves, AI & Network, Biomed, and system-on-chip, with a series of English courses. Each course is 3 unit credits, and international students enrolled in these programs are required to complete 24 unit credits including at least two fundamental core courses (one of them is offered from own field). Besides, the Completion of seminar compulsory courses and a graduate research thesis for passing the final dissertation oral exam is also demanded from the department. Students need to seek advice from the faculty advisers on course selection, in accordance with the individual research interests and preparation for the graduate thesis.


Here is the table of English courses. Please click the course inquiry website for more information.

Semiconductor Electronics
EM Wave
AI & Network


Groups Courses
  • Ac-dc motor control (Core)
  • Nonlinear systems (Core)
  • Linear system analysis (Core)
  • Hilbert space method and applications
  • Design of nonlinear control system
  • Analog filter theory and design
  • Optimal power flow
  • Digital control
  • Fuzzy mathematics
  • Power electronic circuits
  • Robotics
  • Adaptive control
  • Control of multivariable systems
  • Machine learning
  • Advanced digital signal microprocessor
  • Special topics in multimedia control(I)
  • Special topics in multimedia control(II)
  • Special topics in control of switched systems
  • Special topics in linear system
  • Special topics in robust
  • Independent studies in intelligent robot project (I)
  • Independent studies in intelligent robot project (II)
  • Special topics in nolinear control design


Groups Courses
  • Power system operations (Core)
  • Power electronics converter (Core)
  • Advanced electric machinery theory (Core)
  • Load flow analysis (Core)
  • Protective relaying
  • Solid-state power conversion
  • Active power filters
  • Nonlinear systems
  • Optimal control
  • Digital control
  • System design using fpga
  • Power system control and stability
  • Finite element analyses of electrical machinery systems
  • Numerical electromagnetics
  • Power system planning
  • Power system reliability analysis
  • Power quality
  • Adaptive control
  • Analog filter theory and design
  • Machine learning
  • Introduction to energy and battery management systems
  • Battery management systems for electric vehicles (I)
  • Resonant power electronic converters
  • Optimization techniques in power systems
  • Independent studies in design of electronic circuits for lighting applications
  • Special topics in electric machinery system design
  • Special topics in solid-state resonant converter
  • Special topics in distribution system management
  • Special topics in design of electronics ballasta
  • Independent studies in distribution system analysis
  • Independent studies in smart grids

EM Wave

Groups Courses
EM Wave
  • Flat antenna design (Core)
  • Rf communication circuit design (Core)
  • Electromagnetic theory (Core)
  • Numerical electromagnetics
  • Fiber optic smart sensor system
  • Principle of optical fibre sensing
  • Microwave circuits and systems
  • Optical electronics
  • Laser engineering
  • System architecture and implementation for personal wireless communications
  • Antenna design for wireless communication
  • Signal integrity design for advanced communication systems
  • Independent studies in microwave active circuits
  • Seminar in rf and digital system in a package
  • Electromagnetic compatibility
  • Special topics in wireless transmission
  • Special topics in nonlinear microwave circuits
  • Special topics in microwave integrated circuits
  • Independent studies in microwave sensing
  • Introduction to radar systems
  • Special topics in electromagnetic compatibility
  • Special topics in planar transmission lines
  • Special topics in computational electromagnetics
  • Special topics in antenna engineering
  • Advanced theory on electromagnetic wave propagation
  • Special topics in microstrip antennas
  • Special topics in advanced microwave devices
  • Wireless communication circuit and system implementation
  • Independent studies in radar systems


Groups Courses
  • System design using fpga (Core)
  • Low-power system design (Core)
  • System-on-chip design (Core)
  • Advanced analog IC design (Core)
  • Hardware/software co-design
  • VLSI digital signal processing
  • The theory of computation
  • Advanced computer architecture
  • IC design for communication interfaces
  • Embedded multi-core systems and software
  • System-on-chip testing
  • Digital communication ic design
  • Design and implementation of microprocessors
  • System-on-chip testing practice
  • Open source prototype systems and applications
  • Design, test, and applications of highly reliable systems
  • Advanced computer architecture
  • Independent studies in digital communication IC design
  • Special topics on biomedical signal processing
  • Special topics in low power IC design
  • Independent studies in VLSI testing
  • Special topics in IC layout
  • Independent studies in advanced digital circuit design
  • Special topics in cmos rf circuit design

AI & Network

Groups Courses
AI & Network
  • Data mining (Core)
  • Computer network (Core)
  • Design and analysis of algorithms (Core)
  • Random processes
  • Artifical intellignce (1)
  • Artifical intellignce (2)
  • Soft computing
  • Cooperative communications and networks
  • Advanced image processing
  • Simulations of communication systems
  • Wireless and mobile multimedia networks
  • Computer simulation techniques and analysis
  • Image recognition
  • Digital modulation
  • Multi-focus imaging techniques and principles
  • Mobile robots
  • Software systems
  • Combinatorics
  • Computer vision
  • Introduction to automobile electronics
  • Technologies and applications of vehicle communication networks
  • Special topics in wireless networks
  • Speech processing
  • Digital image signal processing
  • Video communication
  • Compression and security of surveillance videos
  • Statistical communication theory
  • Game theory and applications
  • 3d content generation and motion-sensing interaction
  • Special topics in network performance analysis
  • Special topics on vehicular ad-hoc networks
  • Special topics in radio resource management for wireless networks
  • Independent studies in image sequence compression
  • Special topics in visual communication
  • Special topics in video coding standards
  • Special topics in pattern recognition
  • Special topics in digital modulation
  • Special topics in image processing
  • Independent studies in data analytics

Semiconductor Electronics

Groups Courses
Semiconductor Electronics
  • Photoelectronic devices (Core)
  • Solid state electronic devices (I) (Core)
  • Materials science (I) (Core)
  • Materials science (II)
  • SOI IC engineering
  • Semiconductor devices
  • RF microelectronics
  • Advanced silicon on insulator technology
  • Microelectromechanical system
  • Sensors
  • Electronics ceramics
  • Microsystems design
  • RF-mems and interface circuits
  • Microwave devices
  • Advanced microwave devices
  • Solid state electronic devices (II)
  • Analog integrated circuits
  • Integrated circuit technology
  • Nanomaterials
  • Special topics in RF microelectronics
  • Special topics in RF-mems design
  • Special topics in SOI/MOSFET design
  • Independent studies in advanced device reliability
  • Special topics in semiconductor optoelectronics
  • Special topics in microelectronics engineering
  • Special topics in electronic devices (I)
  • Special topics in electronic devices (II)
  • Independent studies in thin-film technology
  • Independent studies in advanced device analysis
  • Independent studies in smart-sensing microchips design

Biomedical Signal Processing & Instrumentation

Groups Courses
Biomedical Signal Processing & Instrumentation
  • Physiology (Core)
  • Biomedical signal processing (Core)
  • Introduction to biomedical instrumentation (Core)
  • Biomedical image investigation (Core)
  • Analog filter theory and design
  • Optimal control
  • Linear system analysis
  • Computer vision
  • Medical imaging systems
  • Medical electronics
  • Hilbert space method and applications
  • Brain-computer interface and brain networks
  • Independent studies in face recognition
  • Magnetic resonance imaging: principles and applications
  • Advanced techniques of magnetic resonance imaging
  • Special topics on biomedical signal processing
  • Independent studies in clinical applications of magnetic resonance imaging
  • Independent studies in medical image analysis
  • Independent studies in visual recognition