113.12.04及12.11 電機系專題說明會
- 課程型態與上課方式不同於一般課程,藉由不同課程類別的整合分組以及與業界的密集互動,讓學生具有多元而完整的實務研究訓練,分析問題並提出改善計畫。
- 專題必須由團隊分工合作,各組至少要有2位同學。
- 確認專題方向後,依照指導老師所屬組別,自行選修相應之實作專題課程(如:系統晶片實作專題、電力實作專題)
- 選課後,向系辦繳交指導老師簽名之專題實作申請表(每位同學1人一張),並於期末向系辦繳交專題製作報告(不限格式,一組一份報告,務必請指導老師簽名)及展示影片(約10分鐘的簡報錄影或實務作品demo)
- 可以在同一學期(或不同學期)修習不同組別的[實作專題] 課程 ,多修習的學分可作為系上選修學分。
- 工學院每年舉辦聯合專題競賽與展示,也鼓勵大學部學生積極參與國科會補助專題研究計畫,爭取獎學金!
- 同學如有意在大四上選修【電機工程進階實作專案】課程,請務必要參加工學院專題競賽,以利課程評分。
Starting from the 111 Academic Year, the "Independent Studies" courses in each field will be offered in the second semester of the junior year as a compulsory 2-credit course.
To help students gain an early understanding of the project directions in various fields and prepare for the Independent Studies courses, the department is hosting a Project Orientation Session. Professors from each field will introduce their research areas, and students interested in these opportunities are encouraged to attend and ask questions.
Introduction to the "Independent Studies" Courses:
- These courses differ from traditional lectures. They focus on integrating diverse disciplines and involve intensive collaboration with industry, providing students with comprehensive practical research training. Students will learn to analyze problems and propose improvement plans.
- Projects must be conducted in teams, with at least two students per group.
- Once a project direction is confirmed, students should register for the corresponding Independent Studies course according to their advisor’s field (e.g., INDEPENDENT STUDIES IN SYSTEM-ON-CHIP DESIGN, INDEPENDENT STUDIES IN ELECTRIC POWER PRACTICE).
- After course registration, students must submit a Independent Studies Application Form (one per student) with their advisor’s signature to the department office. At the end of the semester, teams must submit a Independent Studies Project Report (one report per group, signed by the advisor) and a demonstration video (a 10-minute presentation recording or demo of their practical work).
- Students can take multiple Independent Studies courses, either within the same semester or across different semesters. Additional credits will count as elective credits for the department.
- The College of Engineering holds an annual Joint Project Competition and Exhibition, and undergraduate students are encouraged to actively participate in National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)-funded research projects to compete for scholarships.
- Students planning to enroll in the course [ADVANCED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PROJECT]in their senior year must participate in 【College of Engineering All-Topic Competition and Exhibition】 to support course evaluation.
Attachments include introductions to each group. Students are encouraged to explore the professors' lab websites and proactively seek research directions that interest them.
【College of Engineering All-Topic Competition and Exhibition】
The Department of Electrical Engineering plans to open registration in May 2025. Students are encouraged to explore videos of semifinal projects from previous years: