

期刊論文-Yuan-Liang Hsu

編號 著作名稱
1 Yuan-Liang Hsu, "Development of Simulation System and Adaptive Controller to Improve Mould Level Control Accuracy in Continuous Casting Process," China Steel Technical Report,18, pp. 38-45, Dec. 2004.
2 Yuan-Liang Hsu, "An Improvement of the Thermal Model for Producing the Ultra-thin Strips in a Conventional Hot Strip Mill," China Steel Technical Report,17, pp. 29-36, Dec. 2003.
3 Yuan-Liang Hsu, "A Dynamic Simulator for a Simplified Automatic Gauge Control System in Hot Strip Mills," China Steel Technical Report,16, pp. 32-38, Dec. 2002.
4 Yuan-Liang Hsu, "THe Analysis and Simulation of a Conventional Looper Height Control System," China Steel Technical Report,15, pp. 70-75, Dec. 2001.
5 Yuan-Liang Hsu, "Finishing Mill Stability and Width Spread Related to the Looper Control System in the China Steel No.1 HSM," China Steel Technical Report,14, pp. 98-104, Dec. 2000.
6 Yuan-Liang Hsu, "Finishing Mill Stability and Width Spread Related to the Looper Control System in CSC No.1 HSM," SEAISI Quarterly Journal, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 60-67, Jul. 2000.
7 Yuan-Liang Hsu, Chang-Pin Liang, Song-Jau Tsai, "An Improvement of HAGC Response for CSC No.1 HSM," IEEE Transaction on Industy Applications, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 854-860, Jan. 2000.
8 Yuan-Liang Hsu, "Analysis and Prediction of Looper Response in the Hot Strip Finishing Mill," China Steel Technical Report,75-82, Dec. 1999.