

(111.03.12) 2022中山電機系壘-傅立葉盃2022 Fourier Softball Game




◆ 選手們的心得分享 ◆


1. If we can hold more similar sports will be better, such as badminton and volleyball, but softball is really fun. I never played softball in my country before, the experience is awesome!

2. Actually I am unfamiliar with the rules of the game, so I hope we can arrange more practice time next time.

3. Everyone is very enthusiastic to teach, and Taiwan students joining the team together can make us more familiar with the rules.

4. The lunch box is great, and the staff is very sweet to do a survey of our dietary information at first, such as meat/vegetarian/seafood.

5. It was such a wonderful experience to meet new people of different nationality. Everyone was so friendly. Our department assistants are also so much helping and thanks to them for such a good organizing and management.

6. It was a very good experience, local team members helped a lot. They taught us the rules of the game in a simple way and they were very friendly. I miss the time when we used to play & share our cultural experiences in the training sessions."

7. It was really great. We had fun all together. We specially appreciate our team coach Liam and our supportive officials of our lab (Ms. Kuo and Ellen). I got a chance to be as a pitcher. All of my team members encouraged me a lot in the game. Finally, we feel great to be a part of the team and as a team, we built our friendship a bit stronger.


  1. 這次增加外籍隊非常特別,比賽也規畫很好,希望之後能繼續辦。
  2. 很棒,提升系內感情,另外,讓不會打壘球的同學體驗,也有促進運動之益處。
  3. 之前有在學校體育課打過壘球的經驗,覺得還不錯玩,因此趕在畢業前參加最後一次傅立葉盃,玩得很開心,也和同學在壘球場上拍學士服照。感謝主辦單位提供餐盒還有衣服,衣服設計的蠻好看的,希望之後還能繼續辦這個活動,讓大家認識壘球,也讓電機系學生讀書之餘出來運動曬太陽。
  4. 很開心可以在大學的最後一年跟同學們一起打球,雖然兩場都輸,沒有機會晉級,但也有一個難忘的回憶。謝謝系上和系壘的同學舉辦這次的比賽。
  5. 第一次打壘球,甚至是連手套都是用借的,但我覺得比棒球好打多了,學長姐也都很親切,還願意讓我去投手丘亂投,讓我對那天的兩場比賽都很有參與感。
  6. 從大學就開始打了,每年必來,讚!
  7. 獎品蠻優質的。

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